Experimental Study of Erythropoietin on the Regeneration of Peripheral Nerve and the Recovery of Nerve Function 促红细胞生成素对周围神经再生及神经功能恢复作用的实验研究
Peripheral nerve injury of a limb usually causes functional reorganization of the contralateral somatosensory cortex. 单侧肢体的外周神经损伤通常导致对侧体感皮层的功能重组。
In neural prosthetic applications, cuff electrodes have been utilized for providing peripheral nerve electrical stimulation and signal sensation. 铐型电极为神经义肢的重要元件之一,可用于直接刺激感觉及运动神经元或感测感觉神经的讯号。
Objective: Regeneration of peripheral nerve after crushed injury is a very complicated course, the recovery of configuration and function is related to degree of injury and suitable therapy. 目的:周围神经挤压伤后再生是一个极其复杂的过程,其结构和功能的恢复与损伤程度和合理治疗有关。
Effect of target muscle injection of ATP on peripheral nerve regeneration: an experimental study 靶肌肉注射三磷酸腺苷对周围神经再生作用的实验研究
The experiment study on the effects of immunosuppression on peripheral nerve injury and regeneration 免疫抑制对周围神经损伤再生影响的实验研究
As the development of mechanization and transportation, there are more and more peripheral nerve wound happened. 随着机械化程度的提高和交通事业的发展,周围神经损伤发生率大幅度地上升。
Objective: To investigate the impairment status of vestibular and limb peripheral nerve of patients with auditory neuropathy, improve the understanding of auditory neuropathy in general. 目的:观察听神经病患者前庭神经和四肢末梢周围神经的受累情况,加深对听神经病的总体认识。
OBJECTIVE: To observe the role of target muscular injection of methyl cobalamin of different dosages in the regeneration of peripheral nerve injury in rats. 目的:通过靶肌肉注射不同剂量的甲钴胺,观察其对大鼠坐骨神经损伤的再生作用。
Objective To investigate the construction of tissue engineering collagen nerve conduits and repair peripheral nerve defects. 目的探讨组织工程化胶原神经导管的构建及对外周神经缺损的修复。
Progress of chitin nerve conduit in peripheral nerve repair 甲壳素类神经导管修复周围神经的研究与进展
Research on Radial Compressive Properties of Peripheral Nerve Conduits in Vivo Degradation 体外降解过程中周围神经再生导管径向压缩性能的研究
Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors can be divided into two major groups: Schwannomas and neurofibromas. 良性外周神经鞘瘤可分为两大类,神经鞘瘤及神经纤维瘤。
Effect of human tissue kallikrein on peripheral nerve injury 人组织激肽释放酶对周围神经系统损伤后的修复效应
The injury of peripheral nerve is generally accompanied with active regeneration responses. 周围神经损伤通常伴随活跃的再生反应。
Itcan be used to treat central and peripheral nerve paralysis and the diseases associated with nerve system. 本透皮剂可治疗中枢性或周围性神经麻痹以及与神经系统相关的一些疾病。
Impact of loss of sympathetic innervation on peripheral nerve regeneration: an experimental study with rats 失交感神经支配对周围神经再生影响的实验研究
Transplantation of highly permissive Schwann cell-enriched peripheral nerve grafts may enhance regeneration in spinal cord injury. 而移植含有高浓度施万细胞的周围神经节段则可能可以加强脊索损伤的再生。
It can not only promote regeneration of peripheral nerve and prolong surviving of external nerve but develop important effect in animal models following cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury, which brings a bright prospect for treating cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in clinic. 它不仅能够促进周围神经的再生和延长外周神经元的存活,而且在动物脑缺血再灌注模型中具有重要的抗损伤作用,为临床上脑缺血再灌注损伤疾病的治疗带来了光明的前景。
In recent years the rapid development of tissue engineering to the repair of peripheral nerve in a broad space for development. 近年来组织工程学的迅速发展使其在周围神经修复方面有了广阔的发展空间。
The management of peripheral nerve injury continues to be a major clinical challenge. 周围神经损伤的治疗是临床上的一大挑战。
Primary Study of Effect on Chitosan Nerve Conduits in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration 壳聚糖神经导管对周围神经再生影响的研究
Body fat is an essential component, often exist in various forms, such as glycolipids and phospholipids in the brain and peripheral nerve cells and tissues. 肪是人体不可缺少的组成成分,常以各种磷脂和糖脂等形式存在于细胞膜以及脑和外周神经组织中。
Application of chitosan in peripheral nerve injury repairing 壳聚糖在周围神经损伤修复中的应用
Rats are commonly used to study peripheral nerve repair and grafting. 大鼠常常被用作研究周围神经修复和移植。
Objective: The paper investigated the biocompatibility of polypyrrole ( PP) with peripheral nerve tissue. 探讨聚吡咯和周围神经组织的生物相容性。
Now, researchers have identified a key process by which macrophages are cleared from sites of peripheral nerve injury. 现在,研究人员已经清楚了巨噬细胞被从周围神经损伤位点清除这一关键过程。
Pain from peripheral nerve conduction were not aware of the hypothalamus. 痛感是由周围神经传导丘脑才被感知的。